Retail & Ecommerce

About industry

Retail and Ecommerce domain testing is focused on ensuring that software systems powering online retail platforms, marketplaces, and related services meet the functional and non-functional requirements expected by users and stakeholders. This includes testing various aspects such as user experience, performance, security, compatibility, and scalability.

Key Trends & Technologies

Improve test coverage

Automation of regression tests, UI testing, API testing, and performance testing helps in speeding up the testing process and improving test coverage.

Across all devices

With the increasing usage of mobile devices for online shopping, testing across various mobile platforms (iOS, Android) and devices becomes crucial.

Ensure consistence

Testing across multiple channels (web, mobile, in-store kiosks) to ensure consistent user experience and functionality.

Manage large volumes

Testing the handling and processing of large volumes of data such as customer transactions, product catalogs, and user behavior analytics.

Be future-ready

Testing AI-driven features like recommendation engines, personalized shopping experiences, and chatbots for accuracy and performance.

Protect against attacks

Ensuring the security of sensitive customer data, payment gateways, and protection against common threats like SQL injection, XSS, etc.

Handle peak loads

Ensuring the application can handle peak loads during sales events, holiday seasons, and other high-traffic periods.

Handle multi-currency

Testing the application's functionality across different languages, currencies, and regions

Ensure scalability

Testing applications deployed on cloud platforms for scalability, reliability, and performance under varying loads.

Key Strategies

Requirements Analysis

Understand and prioritize functional and non-functional requirements based on business goals and user expectations.

Test Planning

Develop a comprehensive test plan covering various types of testing - functional, non-functional, compatibility, security, etc.

Test Data Management

Ensure the availability of realistic and diverse test data representing different scenarios such as different products, user profiles, and transaction types.

Continuous Testing

Implement a continuous testing approach to identify and fix issues early in the development lifecycle.


Foster collaboration between development, testing, and business teams to ensure a shared understanding of requirements and expectations.

Risk-based Testing

Prioritize testing efforts based on risk assessment to focus on critical areas of the application.

Usability Testing

Conduct usability testing to ensure an intuitive and seamless shopping experience for users across different devices and platforms.

Performance Testing

Perform performance testing under simulated load conditions to identify bottlenecks and optimize application performance.

Security Testing

Employ security testing techniques such as vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code analysis to identify and mitigate security risks.
